School Business Official Certification ProgramMeASBO's Professional Development Committee coordinates a voluntary School Business Official Certification Program for its members. This program is ideal for school business personnel just entering the field or for those who wish to move from their current positions into school business management. It's also a great refresher for veteran school business managers who may feel they need a deeper dive into their craft. The workbook at the link below outlines the program requirements, as well as the instructions for getting started and completing the work under the "Program Summary" tab. The required coursework and corresponding contact hours for each category are outlined under the "Checklist" tab of the workbook. MeASBO Certification Program Requirements Coursework to fulfill the requirements may come from a variety of resources; MeASBO will program to some of the requirements during its in-person meetings and Lunch N' Learns however, not all required coursework will be able to be provided in these forums. Program participants are encouraged to seek coursework from other organizations in order to complete the program within the required timeline. Should MeASBO's PD Committee become aware of professional development offerings from other organizations, members will be notified via the MeASBO list serve and monthly newsletters. Questions? Need more information? Ready to get started? Reach out to [email protected]