Welcome to Maine's Association of School Business Officials!


To unite in one State Association, professional school business officials whose primary responsibilities are in the school business field, including the major activities of budgeting and school finance, accounting, payroll and human resources, purchasing and supply management, maintenance and operation, school facility planning and construction, school food service management, transportation, non-instructional personnel management and any and all other major areas of school business administration. 

To improve the service of its members by establishing the highest standards of ethics and efficiency in methods and practices in the field of school business administration. 

To assemble and disseminate information that will assist the business professional in their capacity as a school business administrator. 

To improve relationships between the business and school communities.


 Not a member but want to know more about MeASBO and benefits of membership?  Reach out to Joanne Allen, Executive Director at [email protected]
Already a member?  Use your login and password to explore all the features of the website. 






Several members of MeASBO are willing to offer time and answer questions as mentors to new Business Managers.  Feel free to reach out to these folks if you are looking for some assistance in an area, and they will be happy to help you out and direct you to some resources.

Hollis Cobb

Adam Hanson

Carolyn Heller

Sherry Moody

Dawn Pooler

Sherrie Proctor

Colin Walsh

If you are interested in participating as a mentor, please contact Joanne Allen, Executive Director